M.P. (Anant) AnantramProfessor; Graduate Program CoordinatorQuantum and bio-nano devices, quantum transport, memory devices, device and materials, theory and modeling, nanotechnologyM218 ECE206-221-5162anantmp@u.washington.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Payman ArabshahiProfessor; Associate Chair for Education; Industry LiaisonWireless sensor networks, space and underwater communications, resilience of critical infrastructure, graph optimization
450 ECE206-221-6990paymana@uw.eduComputing and Networking
Les AtlasProfessorDigital signal processing, nonstationary processes, machine learning, audio and acoustics, virology
410 ECE206-685-1315atlas@u.washington.eduData Science; Biosystems
Jeffrey A. BilmesProfessorMachine learning, speech/language/bioinformatics/music, submodularity & discrete optimization418 ECE206-221-5236bilmes@ece.uw.eduData Science; Biosystems
Karl F. BöhringerProfessor; Director, NanoES InstituteMEMS/NEMS, microfluidics, self-assembly, microsystems, nanoengineering
253I ECE206-221-5177karl@ece.uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Samuel BurdenAssociate Professorsensorimotor control, robotics, neuroengineering, cyber-physical systems
M442 ECE206-221-3545sburden@u.washington.eduRobotics and Controls; Biosystems
Linda BushnellResearch ProfessorM342 ECE206-221-6717lb2@uw.eduComputing and Networking; Robotics and Controls
Tai-Chang ChenTeaching ProfessorSensors and sensor systems, III-V semiconductors, microfabrication, microfluidics, thin film deposition technology238 PAC206-221-5388tcchen@u.washington.edu
Jungwon ChoiAssistant ProfessorPower electronics, Renewable Energy, Wide bandgap devices, Magnetic designs, and Wireless power transferECE M346685-4241jungchoi@uw.eduPower and Energy Systems
Scott T. DunhamProfessor218 ECE206-543-2189dunham@ece.uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS); Power and Energy Systems
Serena EleyAssistant ProfessorQuantum materials and devices, superconductivity, magnetismM214serename@uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Maryam FazelMoorthy Family Inspiration Career Development Professor; Lytle Lectureship ChairOptimization, Machine learning, Foundations of Data Science, Control theory230 PAC206-616-4781mfazel@ece.uw.eduRobotics and Controls; Data Science
Kai-Mei FuVirginia and Prentice Bloedel Professor of Physics and Electrical and Computer EngineeringQuantum and nano-photonics, quantum networks, quantum defects in crystals
B445 PAB & 234 ECE206-543-2787kaimeifu@uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Akshay GadreAssistant ProfessorWireless, mobile and cyber-physical systems, space communication and sensingECE 430206-543-0478gadre@uw.eduComputing and Networking; Robotics and Controls; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Mahmood HameedAssociate Teaching ProfessorFiber optics and photonics, systems engineering, algorithm development and optimization, digital signals and systems, signal processing, and wireless and telecommunication systemsECE 230206-685-2313hameedm@uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS); Data Science; Computing and Networking
Blake HannafordProfessorMedical Robotics and Analytics, Haptic Interfaces, Teleoperation
M434 ECE206-543-2197blake@uw.eduRobotics and Controls; Biosystems
Scott HauckGaetano Borriello Professor for Educational ExcellenceFPGA Applications, Architectures, Compilers, and CAD Tools; Reconfigurable Computing; FPGAs in High Energy Physics; High-Speed Deep Learning; Computer Engineering Education.307Q ECE206-412-1523hauck@uw.eduComputing and Networking
Rania HusseinAssociate Teaching ProfessorEmbedded systems, IoT, image processing, engineering education234 PAC206-616-9950rhussein@uw.eduComputing and Networking; Data Science
Jenq-Neng HwangProfessorMachine Learning, Computer Vision, Multimedia Networking, Image/Video Analytics
M426 ECE206-685-1603hwang@uw.eduData Science
Kim IngrahamAssistant Professorcontrol systems, wearable sensors, roboticsECE M418kingra@uw.eduRobotics and Controls
Daniel KirschenDonald W. and Ruth Mary Close ProfessorPower system operation and economics, renewable energy, grid resilienceM326 ECE206-543-2174kirschen@uw.eduPower and Energy Systems
Eric KlavinsProfessor; ChairSynthetic biology, lab automation, control systems
236 PAC206-221-5270klavins@ece.uw.eduRobotics and Controls; Biosystems
Jose Nathan KutzProfessor, Applied Mathematics; Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering; Adjunct Professor, PhysicsData analysis and reduced order models, dynamical systems, physics-informed machine learning, complex systems and partial differential equations, linear and nonlinear wave propagation, perturbation and asymptotic methods, bifurcation theory, scientific computing, data-driven control theory, mode-locked lasers, neuroscience, sensor networks, and fluid dynamicsLewis Hall #118(206) 685-3029kutz@uw.eduData Science; Computing and Networking
Mo LiProfessor; Associate Chair for ResearchIntegrated photonics, quantum photonics, NEMS/MEMS, sensorsM246 ECE206-616-6966moli96@uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Ang LiAssistant ProfessorComputer Architecture, Digital VLSI, Reconfigurable Computing, Hardware Acceleration, Design Automation, Open Source HardwareECE 414angliz@uw.eduComputing and Networking
Lih LinProfessor; Undergraduate Program CoordinatorPhotonics, perovskite optoelectronics, optical MEMSM414 ECE206-543-2168lylin@uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
June LukuyuAssistant Professordata analytics, computing techniques, energy system modeling, social sciences, integrated energy developmentECE M418jlukuyu@uw.eduPower and Energy Systems
Yiyue LuoAssistant Professordigital fabrication, intelligent textiles, human-machine interfacesECE M350yiyueluo@uw.edu
Arka MajumdarProfessor; Qualifying Exam CoordinatorNanophotonics, Integrated quantum optics, Meta-opticsM230 ECE206-616-5558arka@uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Sep MakhsousAssistant Teaching ProfessorEmbedded Systems, Digital Circuits, Controls and Robotics, Biomedical Devices, Image and Signal Processing, Machine Learning
ECE 234sosper30@uw.eduRobotics and Controls; Biosystems
Alex MamishevProfessor215K ECE206-221-5729mamishev@ece.uw.eduRobotics and Controls; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS); Power and Energy Systems
Sajjad MoazeniAssistant ProfessorSystem Integration for Emerging Technologies, Integrated Photonics, Mixed-signal Integrated Circuits, Neurophotonics & Biophotonics
ECE M422 206-616-5494smoazeni@uw.eduBiosystems; Computing and Networking; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Chet MoritzCJ and Elizabeth Yun Hwang Endowed ProfessorExperimental neuroscience, communication and interfaceM450 ECE206-616-0643ctmoritz@uw.eduBiosystems
Sara MouradianAssistant ProfessorQuantum Information, Integrated PhotonicsNanoES 394425-270-8455smouradi@ece.uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Hossein NaghaviAssistant ProfessorMillimeter-wave and terahertz integrated electronics, Applied electromagnetics, Bioelectromagnetics
ECE 442206-543-6061naghavi@uw.eduComputing and Networking; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS); Biosystems
Luyao NiuAssistant Teaching Professorprogramming, signals, sensors & circuits, machine learning, optimization and control, game theoryluyaoniu@uw.eduComputing and Networking
Amy OrsbornClare Boothe Luce Assistant Professorbrain-computer interfaces, sensorimotor control systems, engineered brain plasticity, adaptive decoding and multi-agent learning
M430 ECE206-616-2049aorsborn@uw.eduBiosystems
Mari OstendorfSystem Design Methodologies Professor; Vice Provost for ResearchSpeech and language processing, conversational AI, computational models of prosody, applications of language processing, machine learning
215D ECE206-221-5748ostendor@uw.eduData Science
Max ParsonsResearch Assistant Professor; Director, Quantum Technologies Training and Testbed (QT3) LabECE 222 and B023
(206) 543-9689mfpars@uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
(206) 543-9689mfpars@uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Shwetak N. PatelWashington Research Foundation Endowed ProfessorUbiquitous computing, sensing, human-computer interaction, embedded systems540 PACshwetak@ece.uw.eduBiosystems; Data Science; Computing and Networking
John Raiti Associate Teaching ProfessorRobotics and Controls, Biosystems, Internet of Things (IoT) and Connected DevicesGlobal Innovation Exchange Room 115206-897-9028jraiti@uw.edu
Lillian RatliffAssociate Professor; Dhanani Endowed Faculty Fellowship recipientMachine learning, game theory, decision-making, optimization, artificial intelligence
426 ECE206-543-6244ratliffl@ece.uw.eduRobotics and Controls; Data Science
Matt ReynoldsAssociate ProfessorUltra-low power sensing and computation, RFID, wireless power transfer, biomedical applications, and smart materials and surfaces
M226 ECE206-616-5046matt.reynolds@ece.uw.eduRobotics and Controls; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS); Biosystems
Sumit RoyIntegrated Systems Professor5G & beyond wireless networking, software-defined radios/networks, spectrum sharing M330 ECE206-221-5261roy@ece.uw.eduComputing and Networking
Chris RudellProfessorAnalog, RF and mm-Wave Integrated Circuits Design, Wireless Systems, Integrated Biomedical Applications, PET Imaging Electronics
M410 ECE206-685-1600jcrudell@ece.uw.eduBiosystems; Computing and Networking
Georg SeeligProfessorSynthetic biology, DNA computing, genomics228 PAC206-616-3885gseelig@u.washington.eduRobotics and Controls; Biosystems
Linda G. ShapiroProfessor; Boeing Professor in Computer Science & Engineeringcomputer vision, pattern recognition, medical image analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence634 PAC206-543-2196shapiro@cs.washington.eduData Science; Biosystems
C. J. Richard ShiProfessorMachine learning hardware, integrated circuit design, electronic design automation
210 ECE206-221-5291cjshi@ece.uw.eduData Science; Biosystems; Computing and Networking
Eli ShlizermanAssociate Professor of Applied Mathematics and Electrical & Computer Engineering; Washington Research Foundation Professor for Data-intensive Discovery Machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence and neural engineering446 ECE206-685-1979shlizee@u.washington.eduRobotics and Controls; Data Science; Biosystems
Joshua R. SmithMilton and Delia Zeutschel Professor in Entrepreneurial Excellence; PMP Faculty CoordinatorSensor systems; wireless power; sensing for robotics; ubiquitous computing; personal robotics556 PAC206-685-2094jrs@cs.washington.eduBiosystems; Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS); Power and Energy Systems
Michael B. TaylorProfessorComputer Architecture, VLSI, Deep Learning / Machine Learning Hardware, Bitcoin Mining Hardware, Open Source Hardware & RISC-V, ASIC Clouds564 PACprof.taylor@gmail.comComputing and Networking
Denise M. WilsonProfessor; Academic Progress Coordinator; Peer-Teaching Review Coordinator; Associate Chair for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)Chemicals sensors, solar cell systems, wearable sensors, engineering education, women in the engineering workforceM222 ECE206-221-5238wilson@ece.uw.eduElectronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems (EPIQS)
Azadeh Yazdan-ShahmoradWashington Research Foundation Innovation Associate ProfessorM454 ECE(206) 543-6127azadehy@uw.eduBiosystems
Baosen ZhangKeith and Nancy Rattie Endowed Career Development Professor; Awards CoordinatorPower systems, optimization, control, AIM310 ECE206-616-3818zhangbao@uw.eduComputing and Networking; Power and Energy Systems; Robotics and Controls
Banghua ZhuAssistant ProfessorFoundation Models; Reinforcement Learning; Data Science; Machine Learning; Game Theory; Artificial Intelligence